We did not really get to check out the town of Sikeston very much but we did come across a couple of COTTON FIELDS right in the middle of town! I know it seems silly but I was so excited because I had never really seen cotton on the plant before. Silly I know, but look at how cool it is!

After I got done with the wedding we made our way out to Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky. John and I had visited there once before during one of our many road trips for his job. We had such a wonderful, relaxing trip. The country side was beautifully speckled with gorgeous reds, yellows, and oranges. I think every time I visit places like this they just feed on my temptation to pick up and move there some day.

And...I could not believe how HUGE the acorns were! I think they are mutants!

John took a few shots of Caleb and I.

They were all sorts of berries too. I could have taken pictures of them all day.

Last but definitely not least we drove into Tennessee and saw the buffalo. Too bad it was pouring down rain, and I could not get out and take pictures.

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