Baby Shower for Little Miss Washburn #2

I have been trying to get these pics up for a little while now - but I have been a little busy. John has been out of town for the last 3 and 1/2 wks so Caleb, my business, and crafting for baby/friends has given me more than enough to keep me busy!
Some of my dearest friends threw me a baby shower a couple of weeks ago and I just have to show off what a beautiful job they did. I got there a little early so I could get a few pictures and ironically after I took these I completely forgot about my camera and I did not take any more for the rest of the shower :( John would be disappointed I know. Oh well, I got some really great shots of the cute little details. I absolutely loved the theme, and I could not have asked for a better shower. Thanks guys so much! I love you guys!
P.S. Emily your house was very clean as always :)

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