Latest Ultrasound Results
Well this post certainly is not timely but "better late than never" I suppose. Before John and I left for CO we had one last ultrasound appointment to make sure our little guy is doing just fine and the good news is -- He is doing just GREAT. At the time we found out he was not head down but now (approx. 4 weeks later) he is for sure head down. A big answer to prayer as I will be delivering this little guy in Peru. John has officially become my OB doctor, possibly until delivery in our new home town of Arequipa. Just as an update, we are leaving on the 30th of this month -- which is in a week and a half?!?!? We will be in Lima our first two weeks doing visa paperwork, registering with the embassy, and adjusting to our new culture. We are very excited/nervous for our trip next week and we are enjoying spending cherished time with family during these last few days.
I am several posts behind but some tidbits to look forward to are (here are the titles):
-- God works at the DMV
-- Hannah and Caleb's 1st/3rd Birthdays with Family
-- God Has Deep Pockets - yes we are at full 100% support
-- Turkey Dinner in Advance
-- A Peruvian "Going Away" Party
I figure it is a good way to keep myself accountable to staying updated if I list this out for everyone to see :) Just be patient with me. I will get them written it just might not be right away. I will try to get some new ultrasound pictures of our little guy up soon. We did get some super cute face shots this last appointment.
For those of you who are wondering I am currently 28wks and no, we do not have a name picked out. We just have not had the time to sit down and talk about it :)