Friday, September 7, 2012

A Fair Day at the Fair

I will be the first to declare that despite my efforts I am not a "super mom". Even though on the outside I might look like one - I am not sure a "super mom" really exists. Sometimes I feel like we do all of this running around to impress people and then at night we crash - sometimes into tears. I think some people are better at organizing and getting things done than others -and some just have their priorities in order (and maybe that is what is truly important). I wish I had more time to take pictures of my kiddos but time is elusive these days, and quite frankly some things just matter more than others. Sometimes it is just good that I actually made dinner and that the house is half-way decent to live in. On that note the house was not clean when we went to the fair - and it rarely is clean. Sometimes my dishes pile up so I can play one more game with Caleb or change a few more diapers. But you know what - I am learning that it is OKAY to not be a super mom. Everything does not need to be in order for me to sleep well - although I definitely sleep better when the house is clean. My house will never be in a Martha Stewart magazine (thank goodness because I would have too many breakable items in my house). However, my kids will be loved and I pray that they will love others in return. Enjoy some fun pictures of the Ozark Empire Fair. It was great to get out of my dirty house and relax with my family. Life is too short to have a clean house!

By the way - epic fail on Mom's part - Caleb is only 35in tall and you needed to be 36in to ride ANYTHING. Really? Oh well.










This ride looked so awesome at night!

