A Day Outside
Yesterday was actually nice enough that we got to go outside. That is always such a blessing because Caleb LOVES going outside. We both cannot wait for spring to arrive!
Yesterday was actually nice enough that we got to go outside. That is always such a blessing because Caleb LOVES going outside. We both cannot wait for spring to arrive!

We are hitting some milestones this week with lots of new words and phrases: computer, camera, Caleb (he can actually say his name now!), Tylenol, marshmallow, hot air balloon, "hold on", "all done" , and "her Bible" - he knows which one is Mommy's now.
He also likes to call Daddy by his first name since that is what Mom does. So funny.
Sometimes I cannot believe how much he learns in one week. We are learning our ABC's and he probably knows just over half of them with 100% consistency. We have our numbers up through 10 down as well. He recognizes all of them on paper but we get them all counting on our fingers about 75% of the time. We know all of our colors as well. Crazy. None of these things has been something I have worked on with him. He just started showing interest and I followed suite. Unbelievable how fast he has picked this stuff up. Now every time we are out and about he is quick to point out to me when he sees a number, letter, or color. So cute. He is so bright, just like his Daddy :)
One other quick thing - he loves his koala and his "roo-roo". They travel with him EVERYWHERE and he teaches them all of the things he is learning! They eat, they drink, and they even get "owies". They also wear socks.
Every time I look at him I am reminded that I need to enjoy this phase because I know it will be gone soon. It's so easy to get consumed with everything else and to miss out on these precious days. Caleb will soon have a little sister to play with...which seems nuts. It's hard to imagine life with another child - but at the same time it was hard to imagine life with Caleb and now I cannot imagine life without him. Strange how that happens. Everyday is a blessing.
P.S. We have finally picked out a name for our little jewel arriving in April - too bad we will not tell you :)